If you do not remember your password to access the Message Center,   you can easily reset your password using the Forgot My Password option.

In order to use the Forgot My Password option,  you must have defined at least one of the Alternate Email Address or Mobile Phone options from the Message Center > Settings > General Settings page.

Reset Password with SMS Verification

You can follow the steps below to reset your password.

  1. To access the Message Center, log in to yeniwebmail.uzmanposta.com .
  2. Click on the Forgot My Password! option on the user login screen  .

  3. In the E-mail section, enter the e-mail address you want to reset your password for, then click the Continue button.
  4. Select your phone number from the Select Recovery Option section and then click the Send button.
  5.  Write the 6-digit code sent  to your phone  by EXPERT POSTA in the Code  section.

  6.  Type  the password you want to create  in the Password  and  Repeat Password sections and click the Send  button.
  7. Your password reset process is complete. You can log in to the Message Center using your new password.

You can follow the steps below to reset your password.

  1. To access the Message Center, log in to yeniwebmail.uzmanposta.com .
  2. Click on the Forgot My Password! option on the user login screen  .

  3. In the E-mail section, enter the e-mail address you want to reset your password for, then click the Continue button.
  4. Select your e-mail address from the Select Recovery Option section and then click the Send button.
  5. Write the 6-digit code sent to your e-mail inbox by EXPERT POSTA in the Code section.

  6.  Type  the password you want to create  in the Password  and  Repeat Password sections and click the Send  button.
  7. Your password reset process is complete. You can log in to the Message Center using your new password.
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